Our Solutions

When Payments Are Fundamental To Your Business, Count On Us

It’s All About the Right Fit


Most processors are “deal flow” driven. How many customers can they sign up, and how quickly can they do it? Very little thought goes into what happens after the account is activated.

No matter whether you’re a brick and mortar retailer, a restaurant, or an ecommerce site, you’ll have needs after your setup is complete, and the real difference between a decent processor and a great one is what happens then.

Especially for internet based business, taking care of the account is everything. You need a team who can speed your deal through; who can respond to you; who can watch out for your business the entire way. A partner that knows how to talk to the bank; how to help you manage chargebacks and risk. A partner that can recommend other companies you can rely on for supply chain and fulfillment.

We offer a broad array of solutions that can be tailored to the needs of your business. If you don’t see something here that you need, please feel free to ask. If we don’t do it, we know someone who does.


You need a team who can speed your deal through – And then watch out for your business the entire way.


Card Not Present / Ecommerce

With the pandemic driving a massive shift to ecommerce, there’s never been a better time to launch an ecommerce business. We have the relationships to get you the best rates and the most durable processing available. And our deep experience in this space enables us to help you solve any problems that may come up along the way.

Ecommerce Verticals

Over the years we’ve boarded any online business you can imagine (and some you probably can’t!). Below are some of the verticals where we are currently focusing; but if you don’t see your business on the list please reach out and we’ll get you lit up.

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With our backgrounds, no one knows nutra like the Moonlight Payments team. We can support both continuity and straight-sale models.

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Like nutra, skincare takes a special touch. We’ve placed thousands of skincare accounts and we can help you win this competitive space.

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CBD & Hemp

Many processors still shy away from CBD and hemp products. Even for more open-minded banks, you need to “know a guy.” Now you do.

Pro Services

Professional services firms are now delivering their programs as recurring subscriptions or using online billing. From attorneys to accountants, marketing and SEO firms, we make make it easier for your clients to pay you.

SaaS / Software

Like other continuity programs, SaaS has unique challenges with chargebacks and customer service. From simple subscription-based apps and websites to full ecommerce platforms, we can help your software business scale.

Digital Products

Today, if you don’t have a digital download for sale, maybe you don’t exist. Downloads and content subscriptions are a proven entry point into higher-priced offers. Let Moonlight help you build your brand through digital products.

Bricks & Clicks

If you're a bricks-and-mortar business, we can support you with a comprehensive processing solution including point-of-sale systems and equipment. Many businesses today are implementing a hybrid "bricks and clicks" strategy, especially in response to COVID. If you're currently offering both in person and web-based or app-based ordering, delivery, curbside contactless service or any of the variety of novel pandemic strategies, we can set you up with a seamless process from end to end.

Specialized Industries

Below are some areas where we currently specialize. We can support any brick-and-mortar or "bricks and clicks" business, so if you don't see yours represented here, please reach out and we'll get you rolling.


The restaurant business was crazy before COVID. Now it's full-blown insanity. To survive you'll need contactless payments, curbside service, online ordering and much more. We can help get the madness under control.

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Health & Beauty

Many businesses in this industry require clever payment solutions to support 1099 contractors in addition to employees. We can help you make it all work.


Traditional retail faces unique challenges right now. We can help you with contactless payments for your store location, and also support you to offer your products online for delivery.

Mobile Services

From handymen to exterminators, so many services are being delivered door-to-door today. We can support you with secure mobile terminals and more.


Get Started

If you're ready to take your business to the next level, we're ready to talk with you. Reach out today.
(855) 462-5599
1250 Ave Ponce de Leon, Suite 301, PMB 5005
San Juan, PR 00907

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